Tomorrow is Election Day. I know, it seems like we’ve been waiting for this election for 100 years. But tomorrow it is finally here.

Vote for Joe Biden.

Have you voted? Do you have a plan to vote? This would include the following:

  • Knowing where your polling location is

  • Being registered (If you don’t live in a state with same-day registration)

  • Knowing who and what you are voting on (Democrats, Prop #s)

  • How you are getting to your location

  • When you are going (plan for long lines if you live in a city)

Got all that sorted out? Good.

Vote for Joe Biden.

This election is so important. It’s about the soul of America. It’s about what we stand for. It’s about whether or no you want this country to be better or keep getting worse. There is no time left to wonder. Pick a side and cast your lot.

Vote for Joe Biden.

And hey, if you, for some insane reason, choose to vote for Trump, do me a favor and exile yourself to the Phantom Zone of my life. I mean it.


If you’ve already voted — good for you! Now it’s time to harass your friends and make sure they voted or have a plan themselves. But only the sane ones. Don’t encourage a MAGA to vote for goodness sake. Be reasonable.

Not sure about any of this? Check out this website. It’ll answer all your questions:

Vote for Joe Biden and save America from the worst of us.

Matt Barnsley