Republicans Buy Books Too

There’s an infamous quote attributed to Michael Jordan that goes something like “Republicans buy shoes, too”. It’s debatable if Jordan ever actually said this. But the idea behind it is one that every business or person who hopes to sell their goods must face: Is being outspoken about something “political” worth risking whatever financial harm that may come from it? 50 years ago, businesses had to decide if they would be inclusive and allow blacks to patron their previously whites-only establishment. 10 years ago it was about the level of acceptance homosexuals would be afforded. And now businesses of every ilk are faced with a challenge unseen in modern politics. What to do about The Donald?

MAGA is a cult. There are a couple of official definitions for what a cult is and the MAGA folks fit all of them. Sad to say my own father is one of them. I’m not writing this post to attack anyone. While it is true that in America, the good ole U.S. of A, you can believe and support whatever you want. Apparently, this includes nazis. And no, I don’t think every MAGA is a nazi. Clearly not. But I can say that it’s more than a little interesting that at every single rally MAGAs have, a group of nazi (or nazi-adjacent people) show up. I can tell you that it doesn’t happen when AOC plans an event (unless they are there in opposition). It would give me pause and force me to consider my positions if every protest I went to had nazis at it. Just saying.

So what is my point in this? For years I have tried to keep my professional life separate from politics. I want to write books that everyone can love. I want to create worlds in which everyone feels welcome and accepted. I don’t want to turn thousands of readers off to my characters because I support a particular cause. Republicans buy books too, you dig?

I can’t do it anymore. This isn’t a matter of simple disagreement. The arguments used to be something along these lines:

“Hey we have a budget of $1 million dollars, let’s spend it on a playground.”

“No, let’s refund it all back to taxpayers, it’s their money after all.”

And then the compromise would be a $300k playground, a tax break for business, and that was it. But now the arguments are beyond reasonable. Now it goes like this:

“Hey we have a budget of $1 million dollars, let’s spend it on a playground.”

“No, let’s inject disinfectant into our bodies, dismantle most forms of government and the social safety nets they provide, and separate children from their families with no way of reuniting them. FAKE NEWS!”

“Uhhhh, what?”

How do you compromise with that? And yes, they are still separating families. And yes the president did muse aloud if injecting household cleaner into your body is a solution. It is clear to me that the GOP has crossed the Rubicon of reason and entered a land of madness. It’s a place that I find repugnant and deplorable. And frankly, if you think this is OK, or normal, then by all means: fuck off. Don’t buy my books. Don’t follow me on social media. Your patronage isn’t worth it.

Going forward on this blog, I intend to post about politics. If you don’t like it, then don’t read it, you dumbass. I will also share updates regarding publication of my new novel (!!!) and other projects I have going on. Feel free to comment, subscribe, and most importantly, share. I’m sorry I haven’t been as good an ally as I could have been these last few years. I hope that I can make it up to you down the line.

MAGAs might buy books but I hope to god they don’t buy mine.

Matt Barnsley