The Tides Will Turn

And then what? There was recently a confirmed report of unmarked, unidentified federal officers, grabbing people off the street in Portland. Is this what you want us to do to you MAGA people? Because if we’re rounding up assholes we don’t agree with, we’ve got a list. Starting with the asshole-in-chief.

Rarely does the ugliness inside get so perfectly reflected on the outside.

Rarely does the ugliness inside get so perfectly reflected on the outside.

Nah, we don’t need to arrest him secretly. He’s going to jail for sure. He’s an unindicted co-conspirator in cases that have already resulted in jail sentences. I’m not worried about him. No, I’m talking about people like my father, MAGA-Trump supporters who have enabled the spread of lies, false information, and supported the fascist takeover of America. What should we do with you once we are back in power?

Because you will need to answer for this. For far too long in America’s history, we have sought to reconcile and make nice with those who would harm our most vulnerable citizens and countrymen. It happened after the Civil War. It happened after the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. And I can bet you all the tea in China that once Trump is removed from office (and I do think he won’t go quietly), that the same attitude of reconciliation will settle in. Toss pot, I say. Fuck these people. If they love Trump so much, I think we should tattoo them all with big #MAGA across their damn heads.

The next time a bunch of right-wing yahoos shows up to protest wearing masks or whatever imagined grievance white people concoct, let’s send in paramilitary troops to round them up. After all, white men with automatic weapons are a major, major threat. To actual lives, not just racist statues. I think we should grab them, bring them somewhere mysterious, and see what happens. I imagine whitey won’t like it very much.

One of the key components to a successful democracy is remembering this lesson. Eventually, the tides will turn. And what you do when you have power will be used by those you oppose once you are out. Since a lot of them seem to love the Bible so much, here’s a passage from Matthew 7:12 to remember:

Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets.

Matt Barnsley