Bottom Five Garbage Animals


You can see why this creature is associated with the devil. No limbs yet it somehow moves with expedience. Kills cute things like birds and small animals. Always willing to scare hikers.


Yeah, yeah, they eat bugs. They’re good luck. Whatever. How about we skip the creepy multi-eyed, poisonous, web-weaving monsters and maybe have less bugs from the jump? Also, have you ever stepped on a pregnant spider? NIGHTMARE FUEL.


This includes all species of winged devils: wasps, yellow jackets, hornets — especially the new MURDER variety (thanks Obama). Bees are OK. They make honey and pollinate plants. They’re generally nice. But all the rest can take the first train to Hell.


You thought we were going to talk about garbage animals and NOT mention crows? Ha. They’re loud, ugly beasts who are usually seen eating roadkill so old that it’s harder than the pavement it’s stuck to. All you need to know about these jerks is that when three or more of them get together, it’s known as a murder. Yep.


Sure, they’ll probably outlast us. They’ve been here for 320 million years with no signs of slowing down. They can live anywhere, from tropical regions to the Arctic. They can also reproduce via parthenogenesis, which means they don’t need males to have babies. But mostly, they’re gross and creepy and that’s all we care about.

These have been the Bottom Five Garbage Animals. Accept no substitutes or alternates.

Matt Barnsley