I Give Up

Not on the movement. No. Never. The MAGAs are going to have to live out their violent fantasy of killing a lib if they want to make me stop talking about them. THEY are what I am giving up on. Farewell, mouth breathers! I hope you get COVID.

“Come on, isn’t that a little harsh to wish COVID on someone?” You might ask.

Under normal circumstances, absolutely. No matter the political disagreements between two groups of citizens there should be a minimum standard that we don’t root harm to befall the other. That’s just basic humanity. But I’ll tell you a secret:

(whispers) psssst. hey. guess what? CIRCUMSTANCES ARE FAR FROM NORMAL!

Now, for you white folk out there reading this, you might not agree. Sure, things have been a little rough lately, with the protesting and mild property destruction happening. Not to mention the virus. But other than wearing a mask in public your lives probably haven’t changed much. Maybe you don’t follow politics that much and so you don’t really see the depth of danger our country is in. This isn’t me scaremongering. The former Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, a Trump appointee who served from 2017-2019, is the one saying that our nation is in serious trouble. I could honestly link to dozens of other editorials and think pieces that say the same thing.

There is some debate if this video is real or not. It seems pretty fake to me but who knows. If you want something authentic, have a gander at this. The MAGA yahoos decided to have a boat parade (again fascists LOVE a parade) and a bunch of them sank. There is no better metaphor for Trump and his administration than the little guys being sunk by a conga line of selfish, entitled white dudes.


Again, is it right to laugh at other people’s misery? Schadenfreude is a strong impulse, especially when it comes to people as despicable and detestable as Trump supporters. As individuals, they might be OK people. They might go to church, volunteer in the community, and have a faithful marriage. But that doesn’t excuse either their willful ignorance of what Trump was wrought or their enthusiastic support of it. If you want a literal catalog of all the horrible things he’s done, McSweeney’s has a fantastic interactive one on their site. We’re up to almost 900 (!) incidents. Just this year alone, he’s:

DO I NEED TO KEEP GOING??? And this is just the shit we KNOW about. Imagine what is taking place behind closed doors. For instance, what does Putin have on Trump? The list is almost endless. So yeah, if you still support him, after all of this, then kindly fuck off. This isn’t about a mere difference in opinion. This is not politics as usual. Over the last 30-40 years, American culture has become so fractured and partisan that we’ve just grown used to how extremely radicalized “Conservatives” have become. Just because fascism and hate are mainstream philosophies for the MAGAs, doesn’t mean we have to accept that as a legitimate starting point for running our government. In fact, most of these MAGA people don’t even want a government! Imagine getting a job at a computer company run by people who don’t think computers should exist. That’s who’s in charge now! And we’re surprised it isn’t going well?


Unemployed purveyor of entitled, moronic opinions, Bari Weiss, reminded us this week how clueless she really is. She’s part of this group of, how to describe them, centrist fascists?, that want to live in the ivory towers they grew up in. They are the worst kind of white people because their ideas do nothing but give credence to every MAGA jackass who can read. Here’s what she posted this week:

First off, I was around when the Carville-Matalin marriage was a thing people talked about (being that I’m older than Bari) and let me tell you: no one is missing it. I don’t think people even cared that much back then. Honestly, it shows you how much of a ratfuck this whole political situation is. Two rich privileged white people finding common ground???? NO! BE STILL MY HEART! IT CAN’T BE! Puh-lease. Find me a Jew and a Nazi who live together in harmony and I’ll be impressed. “When I saw her across the yard of Dachau, I knew she had to be mine!” Second, this whole notion that you shouldn’t drop people from your life for political reasons is maybe the most privileged position I’ve ever heard. And yep, sure enough, it’s white people spreading that nonsense around. Last thing: there is a difference between arguing over minor or inconsequential things like pizza toppings or which bar is better. I’ve had some heated debates about whether Paul or John was the best Beatle (it’s John) and still stayed friends. But you know what? If one of my friends was like “Hey Matt, I really think we should separate children from their families at the border and then force sterilizations upon women who don’t even understand the language enough to fully grasp what’s happening” I would be like:

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And that’s the last time we’d talk.

I’ve written before about how my father is a MAGA. In some ways, it’s expected. I don’t want to spill too much family tea (oh god I so do) but let’s just say that none of my friends who knew him growing up are surprised he supports a racist asshole. The dude even collected magazines with Trump on them! For real. The guy is so deep into weeds he still posts BENGHAZI bullshit on his Facebook.



Oh, and let’s not forget some mild misogyny:


HAHAHAHAHA GET IT??? It’s funny because: women. What trauma men have to endure, each month, when blood and menses ooze from their dicks and their hormones go wild and really every month is a new surprise because it’s always different. It’s fucking hilarious that this happens to women so they can have children and propagate the species! Men have it so rough, dealing with women.

And sure, it’s a “joke” but honestly, I am so fucking sick of these jokes. GET A NEW ACT. There’s nothing clever or funny or interesting about making fun of women for things they cannot control. Do some women get a little nutty before, during, and after their periods? Yeah. BUT SO DO MEN! We’re the ones running around committing murders and crimes! Maybe we’re the psychos. At least women have their periods to blame. What’s our excuse?

There’s plenty of other infuriating, embarrassing crap on there. Stuff about gun rights even though the man has never owned a gun. Stuff about Blue Lives Matter, even though police have harassed and sexually assaulted his sons (TRUE STORY FOR ANOTHER DAY). He has chosen his side and that’s fine. But it isn’t mine and I’m not about to pretend he hasn’t betrayed me and the ideals he raised me with.

Look, it might seem like I’m picking on the old man. I am. But I’m only doing it because I want people to understand that I have skin in the game. I’m not a hypocrite. If you support Trump and his cavalcade of corruption and criminality, then kindly see yourself out of my life. This fight is too important and for too long, white people have had the privilege of sitting on the sidelines, toasting each other for getting along while the “darkies” fight it out. Enough. This isn’t a mere disagreement over what to do with our government. It’s a disagreement about whether there will even BE a government.

If you still don’t understand the difference, maybe this handy chart will help:


That about sums it up. If you’re down for The Clown, piss off.

From: https://twitter.com/shoverbug1

From: https://twitter.com/shoverbug1

Matt Barnsley