Pick A Side

There has never been a more clear choice before Americans than in this election. I know pundits say that every year but it’s especially true this year. In 41 days (!) our fellow citizens will go to the polls to elect a new leader and hopefully, a new Congress. What’s at stake? The very soul of the nation. That is not an understatement.

Trump had another stop on his Covid-19 SuperSpreader Tour last night in Pennsylvania and said a number of horrible, racist, demagogue statements. I’ve decided to include a few of them here. While you’re listening to what Trump says, be sure to pay attention to how our fellow Americans react to his statements and ask yourself if this is the country you want to live in. Are these the people we want to give control to?

First, let’s kick things off with some casual lies about Joe Biden. Now, it isn’t unusual for political opponents to stretch the truth about each other. What is unusual is the frequency and the shamelessness with which Trump lies about Biden. Almost nothing he says about him is true or has even an echo of truth. Here Trump says Joe Biden (a “devout” Catholic) is against God:

edit: watch the bottom clip in each embedded tweet. Not sure why the top one got in there but just play the bottom one.
- thx mgmt

You’ll notice that the first two things he said were oil and guns. God comes in last. Talk about giving up the game. What does this mean? (shrug emoji). But the crowd loves it. They extoll him for more lies and he grants their wish.

Moving away from non-renewable energy is imperative for the future of our safety on the planet. Earth will be fine if we ruin it. It’s survived much worse than people. But will we survive ourselves? That remains to be seen. Note also his childlike understanding of wind energy. And of course, his ignorant followers have the same intellectual curiosity that Dear Leader does. They go right along with it. And while wind energy isn’t THE solution it is ONE of the solutions available.

There’s plenty of other lies but let’s get to the part that inspired me to write this post. The blatant racism. Watch this clip first and then we’ll get into it.

Attacking women of color is a Trump specialty, especially when they have a modicum of power over him. Here he begins his rant by going after AOC’s education, which, for a guy who paid his way into school and had other people allegedly take his tests for him, is rich. Leaving the profanity aside (way to elevate the office), you’ll notice he doesn’t take up any specific grievance with her. Just insults and degradation. Love to see that from the (checks notes) President of the United States (?). Next, he moves on to, as he calls her “OMAR”. Why people in PA are booing a representative from Minnesota is beyond me. She literally has nothing to do with them. Trump ludicrously claims that he will win Minnesota and let me say right now that if he does, I’m moving. He won’t. One of his favorite things to do is use “they say” as a way of justifying whatever nonsense just came out his mouth. I’m not sure who the “they” ever is and I bet he couldn’t tell you either.

“She’s telling us how to run our country”.

This is a racist, xenophobic statement. Full stop. Ilhan Omar is an American citizen. She is the same as me or you or anyone else, including Trump. She came here when she was 8 years old to escape a brutal civil war in Somalia. She is a citizen. MAGAs might not like that but I got news for you. We don’t much care for your citizenship either. But we tolerate you because at the end of the day we’re all Americans. That’s the deal.

“How did you do where you came from?”

Well, she was 8. So I doubt she had much say in what happened with her government. But yes, President Bonespurs would have an opinion on this, having accomplished so much himself by age 8.

“How was your country doing?”

Since she’s an American, I would say things are not going great. Violence is on the rise, funny because I thought Trump was the Law & Order guy. We soared past 200,000 dead from COVID. Not to mention the millions of people who are out of work. Because of the president’s EPIC mishandling of the virus, mostly because of his lies and disinformation, we can’t go outside without masks or even have sports. So not great.


“She’s telling us how to run our country.”

Um, yeah, that’s her job. She was elected to do just that. Funny, I’ve never heard him complain about how other people, let’s say, white men, for instance, are running “our country”. I mean, he complains and lies but he never phrases it quite like that. I wonder what the difference is? News flash, Muy Gordo: this IS her country. It’s so racist, even the mouthbreathers in attendance are silent for a moment. That’s saying something.

This idea of “otherness” is an example of how white supremacy has tainted and prevented our country from living up to its ideals. White people are Americans. This is OUR country. Everyone else is a guest. But, no, it isn’t. Not exclusively. It belongs to all of us. Muslims included. You’ll notice that right after speaking about a prominent Muslim he brings up Israel. Hmmm. Coincidence I’m sure. I could spend all day talking about this one clip. But there is so much more hate to get to!

Fun! The president laughing about and celebrating Americans being attacked by his supporters. AND THE CROWD GOES WILD! He’s admitting to his rallies being supremacy rallies where dissent is met with violence. Those are his literal words.

There is still a pandemic happening! We’ve averaged around 1,000 deaths per day for a while. That’s TWO 9/11s per week! Leaving aside the absurdity of someone as physically ugly, overweight, and orange as Trump picking on someone’s appearance, he mocks Biden for wearing a mask. Sure, there’s a quick aside about “I’m all for masks” but the message is clear: masks are for pussy soy boys. “Us big tough men don’t need no stinking masks.” And another thousand die. Cool leader Brosef!

LOCK HIM UP! Let’s take a quick sojourn into CrazyTown where Trump lies and distorts conspiracy theories about Mueller, Hillary, and whatever else you got. Reminder: the Mueller investigation was initiated by a REPUBLICAN, overseen by a REPUBLICAN, and released by a REPUBLICAN. The Democrats had nothing to do with it. Until the end where they “impeached the motherfucker.” Sidenote: Ivanka and Melania have both been caught using private servers for government emails. Yeah. Literally the same “crime” he gets on Hillary about.

Couple things here: anyone else’s spouse call them Sir? Seems a little weird to me. Also, he admits that his wife doesn’t watch his rallies? LOL. Self-ownage at the highest level. His ramblings here are the stuff of madmen. And the crowd loves it!

Back to violence. I’m not sure if he’s talking about a legit reporter or if he’s implying that protestors are pretending to be reporters but either way he’s saying that violence against and between Americans is a “beautiful” sight. The dog-whistle to his supporters is obvious. The press is the enemy. Attack them with violence. This is a traditional move by dictators throughout history. Why? Because a free press is the only thing people have to sort out the lies from the facts. If you can discredit legitimate news and prop up propaganda networks, you can do anything and the people won’t be able to discern what is really happening. Imagine being a reporter in attendance. I would be afraid for my life. As Trump just said a few minutes before, his supporters are not above enacting violence on people they disagree with.

There’s plenty of other dumbass hateful things to see. I recommend you go check out the whole thread of stuff to really get a sense of what these rallies are like. They are white supremacy hate rallies and I think I’ve proven that above. Again, pay attention to how the crowd reacts. They aren’t like “oh jeez that’s a bit much”. They are frothing at the mouths for it. Where have we seen this kind of enthusiasm for hate rallies before…



“LOL Matt, another nazi photo from Germany? Come on. It isn’t that bad. Don’t be dramatic.” Have a close look. Note the American flag marching right alongside the nazi one. That’s because this is FROM AMERICA. Yeah. So don’t tell me it can’t happen here. It already did! IN NEW JERSEY OF ALL PLACES!

Library of Congress

Library of Congress

Just a fun little nazi march down East 86th St. in New York City. You know. A way to kill the time 80 years ago. There are still people alive who were there! This is not new. Do you really think it has gone away? Supplant those swastikas for MAGA and what do you have?

Maybe you’re thinking that this is just a small number of people. Surely there weren’t tens of thousands of people like this? Well, there was (and don’t call me Shirley).

Bettmann Archive / Getty

Bettmann Archive / Getty

There were enough nazis to fill MSG to capacity! The Knicks can’t even get a sell out these days. And hey, what’s that portrait in the middle there? Why it’s good old George Washington, of course, noted slaveowner and Founding Father. He was a hero to the nazis because they thought he was the “First Fascist” in America. Nice. Wonder what could have made them think that?

Murray Becker / AP

Murray Becker / AP

They didn’t get to march and hold rallies unimpeded though. Even back in the 1930s and 40s, there was a movement to resist and bring down fascists. I suppose you could call them anti-fascists — or Antifa for short. HOLY COW LOOK AT THAT. ANTIFA! makes an appearance too! What a coincidence!

Except, it’s not. There’s a reason why ANTIFA! was showing up to rallies back then and there’s a reason why they’re showing up now. I ain’t making this up. Look in the photo. It’s clear what they’re protesting. And who was standing between them, protecting the nazis and inciting violence against the protestors? You guessed it: white male cops! The more things change, the more they stay the same.

And so, Valued Reader, I get to the point of my little post here. If you are an American, you must choose a side. I don’t care if you like Biden or not. I ain’t a huge fan of him myself. But you know what I dislike even more than Biden’s weak-ass policies? NAZIS! And that’s where we’re heading. We already have the rallies and chants and marches and concentration camps. We have the jackbooted government thugs beating up people in the street. We have a leader, as shown above, who incites violence amongst his followers, vilifies and criminalizes his dissenters, and loves to talk about racial purity. Oh, you didn’t hear about that one? He didn’t play that tune last night. That’s a hit he saves for weekends. Here you go:

No, there’s nothing racist about telling a 99% white crowd in a majority white state that they have “good genes”. So what are the bad genes, if white Minnesotans have the good genes? I think you know the answer. And don’t give me some BS about how he’s talking about Minnesotans in general. People who live in a state DO NOT SHARE DNA. He is explicitly talking about race here and how some people are inherently good and some inherently bad.

For me, the choice is clear. We cannot survive another four years of Trump. I don’t care if you have to hold your nose and suppress the urge to vomit up breakfast. You get your ass into a booth (or over mail) and you vote for Biden. If you don’t then you are actively supporting the rise of fascism in America. That’s the choice we face.

What side are you on?

Matt Barnsley