My Pet Power Rankings: Week 8

It’s been a WILD season so far with lots of surprises. Let’s get to the POWER RANKINGS!


#4 - Lola

After starting the season off with a surprise midtable ranking, the mutt quickly fell to the basement after an incident with a red squirel. #RIPRed


#3 - Plomp

This little chunk began the season on a hot streak, providing lots of purrs and cuddles. But over the last two weeks she’s taken a major hit due to her inability to avoid scratching the new furniture.


#2 - Chloe

In spite of the constant piles of hairballs she’s left behind, this little terror is too scary to rank any lower.


#1 - Lebowski

They don’t call him “Darling Boy” for nothing. All he does is sleep, eat, and cuddle. He’s the consummate gentleman and beloved by all.

This has been the My Pet Power Rankings. Accept no substitutes or alternates.

Matt Barnsley