Top Five New Year's Resolutions

It’s a new year! That means it’s a new opportunity to make promises to yourself that you won’t/can’t keep. That’s OK! Any steps towards positivity is a good thing. Let’s take a look at the TOP FIVE NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS:

Lose Weight

A classic. You’ve just spent the last three months fattening yourself up like a Christmas goose, eating Halloween candy well into November, stuffing yourself with, er, stuffing, and those Christmas cookies weren’t going to eat themselves. Not to mention all the drinking. Let’s kick off 2021 by promising to exercise, doing it for like 3 days, and then realizing that being sweaty ain’t fun. As if being overweight is (I speak from experience).

Quit Drinking

#DryJanuary is in full effect this month. I actually thought about this one for myself. It can be nice to take a little break from boozing and give the old liver a chance to recover. But I’m not sure how I am meant to survive another Minnesota winter without beer. There’s a reason why half the people in this state have DUIs. Subzero temps suck. Beer doesn’t!

Start A New Healthy Habit

Whether it’s yoga, meditation, or journaling, we’d all like to add something positive into our routines. Will it work this year? You did ask for all that yoga stuff for Christmas. Plus, you found that really great mediation app. Maybe this is the year!

Save Money

It’s been easier to save over the past year because we can’t really go anywhere. And yet, I feel like I’ve ordered more takeout than every before (gotta support those local businesses!) But this year it’s time to strap on the big boy (or girl, or non-binary) pants and start a damn savings plan. You can do it!

Find Love

Most people resolve to find romantic love. And that’s nice, I guess. But there’s many different kinds of love. You can love a friend. You can love a family member. Most importantly, you can love yourself. Quoth the Grande:

“Spend more time with my friends
I ain't worried 'bout nothin'
Plus, I met someone else
We're havin' better discussions
I know they say I move on too fast
But this one gon' last
'Cause her name is Ari
And I'm so good with that”

So that’s it, I think. Did I miss any? Let me know on social media or in the comments.

These have been the TOP FIVE NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS. Accept no substitutes or alternates.

Matt Barnsley