It's Too Damn Hot

Man, it’s hot. Too hot. I’ve lived in Minnesota for over a decade and I don’t remember it being this hot, for this long, in June. It’s not even Summer yet.

My poor dog hasn’t been on a walk for a week because of it. He’s a German Shepherd mutt and he overheats really fast. Like “two throws in the backyard and he’s ready to pass out” fast. He’s also an un-neutered teenage dog so living with him with no outdoor exercise is like having a pet hyena. Yesterday he chewed on my hand for 15 minutes. It’s been fun. Luckily, he loses his balls (if we can find the other one) on Saturday so hopefully, that’ll gentle him down a bit.


The heat really seems to bring out the crazies. Have you heard that the COVID vaccine magnetizes you? So if you’ve ever wanted Magneto-like superpowers there’s never been a better time to get your shot. As a side benefit, the vaccine will also protect from a deadly contagious virus that our species has never faced before. Boooo ya!

The conspiracy nuts were out in full force. One woman, a nurse if you can believe it, even tried to prove how she was given magnetic powers. Here’s the video (which I tweeted out the other night).

Nope. No further questions from me. Actually, I’ll let the woman in the blue t-shirt sitting behind this loon say it all:


Pretty much sums it up.

Where does this insane nonsense come from? This woman is a nurse! Does she not have a basic understanding of human anatomy? Would you let her stick a needle in your arm? I wouldn’t. Her magnetized body might bend the needle and cause a last-minute complication. Better keep her away from the MRIs.

But really, why are we giving these people any time or attention? I get that in a democracy everyone has a voice (one of its major flaws) but if I went around saying that Red Bull does actually give me wings, they’d lock me up. And yet we let this white lady carry on with this nonsense. Crazy, how when she changed the angular momentum of the key (on her chest there’s enough friction to keep it in place, but on her neck — not so much) her trick didn’t work. In her defense, she only learned that she had superpowers DURING HER LUNCH BREAK so maybe she’s still figuring them out.

I’ve been saying to friends lately that I think we’ve crossed the point of no return. I think America is on a disaster course. We have been for a while now. I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer but I’m not sure where I’m supposed to find hope. I don’t want to get into a litany of our problems. I’ve written about many of them before. America has been a fun experiment. It almost worked. The Founders could have never anticipated the combination of greed and stupidity we are currently faced with. If they had, maybe they would have just stuck with the monarchy.


But let’s end on a high note. Can I interest you in a seal snoozing on an iceberg that gets startled by a kayaker? What a cutie.

BONUS: how about an otter?

Man, otters are the best.

Matt Barnsley