Seems Bad!

Earlier this week, a pretty major news story broke:

Huh. I wonder why there were gaps on January 6th during the time the insurrection was happening?

I’m not one to cast aspersions but this seems a little fishy to me. As noted in the story above, we know that Trump spoke with several people during the insurrection. How could he have made those calls without them showing up on the logs? There are really only two possibilities. One, he used an aide’s phone or a burner phone (more on this later) so it wouldn’t be recorded or noted. Or two, someone within the administration tampered with the call logs. My money is on the first one.

Trump has said that he has no idea what a burner phone is. Granted, he’s a feeble old man so maybe the lingo has passed him by. I mean, it’s not like there’s any evidence of him using the term in the past and definitely not in any kind of legal proceeding…

And sure, that could be his lawyer talking. Lord knows that Trump doesn’t like to read anything so I guess it’s possible he hadn’t ever heard the term before. Unless of course, there’s a pattern here of Trump and his associates using burner phones in the past…

Suuuuuper normal for a person to have more than a dozen cellphones. Not sketchy at all. Nope.

Unless you’re a drug dealer (and even then a dozen seems to be a bit much) or some other kind of criminal, having that many phones strikes me as absurd. So even if Trump doesn’t know what a “burner” is, I’m sure he’s well acquainted with the idea behind it. To be sure, maybe we could ask a known associate of Trump (who also happens to be a criminal with his crime being illegal donations to Trump’s campaign) what he thinks:

Ah, I see. Sounds like a pretty solid case against Ol’ Donnie Boy. And if he is using someone else’s phone (or a burner) that’s really really bad! Those phones aren’t secure. He’s the goddamn president! He needs to have a secure phone! Not to mention that we, the people, have a right to know what he’s up to. Since, you know, we’re his friggin’ boss!

Let’s be real for a second. While we may not know why all of Trump’s phone calls are missing from the log I think it’s pretty obvious the motive behind it. HE WAS DOING CRIMES! How much more evidence does a person need to see? Why else would the leader of the House Republicans threaten telecom companies from participating in the January 6th investigations?

BECAUSE HE KNEW HE WAS HELPING COVER UP CRIMES! There is literally no other explanation for any of this. Can you think of one? And man, they must be pretty bad since Trump didn’t have the wherewithal to avoid doing crimes (which led to him being impeached) on the White House phones before. Seems to me an aide was like “Mr. President, sir,” with tears in his eyes, “please use my phone instead because of all the not-crimes you are discussing”. We’ve been down this road before with presidents committing crimes and gaps in communications.

Will someone with power please charge this idiot with something? Hell, the doofus was just on TV a few days ago YET AGAIN soliciting help from a foreign government to damage his political opponents. This time, he doesn’t even bother to pretend his joking. Why bother? It’s not like being a traitor is something he can get in trouble for.

Need a little bit more? OK. Here’s a clip of Russian State Media, which is controlled by Putin directly so there’s no mistake or accident in the wording here, calling Trump a “partner” and advocating for a regime change within the US before the next election. They called him THEIR PARTNER!

I feel like I’m losing my f*%#ing mind here.

There could be a video of Trump shooting a dude in broad daylight and he won’t get charged. He knows this. Hell, it’s YET ANOTHER thing he openly told us years ago!

Honestly, if you still support this guy, forget my name. This goes so far beyond politics. He’s a brazen criminal with multiple investigations ongoing. He’s talked about how he wants to have sex with his daughter. He’s a racist and a traitor. He’s absolutely the opposite of what America is supposed to be and yet the EXACT embodiment of what it is. He is the equivalent of every cesspool and shitpipe expunging all their feces at once and having it come to life.

He’s a really bad guy. And we have to punish him.

Matt Barnsley