All the Crimes

Well, it’s about time.

There’s a lot to unpack here. And we’ll get to it. But first I want to deal with the MAGA faithful who gathered outside Mar-a-Lago, a private club that Trump would never let their filthy asses into in the first place. Don’t you have anything better to do with your time? It’s not like they dragged him out in handcuffs. He wasn’t even there. In fact, he was in NYC pleading the Fifth in a separate criminal investigation. Man, it’s almost like this guy does illegal stuff!

Oh boy, look at these delusional dupes. You know I almost feel bad for them. They talk in such extremes. The FBI executing a search warrant isn’t Cuba or Venezuela. It’s not even scary. No one was arrested (yet). Stolen property and classified documents were seized. That’s it. So relax. Go home. Don’t you live near the beach? Go to the beach!

And hey, speaking of people taking the Fifth, it sure would be hilarious if there were a montage of Trump talking about how people who take the Fifth are obviously guilty. Right?


There seem to be a number of MAGA responses to the routine search and seizure of criminal evidence. One tact is to bring up Hillary Clinton and her emails. “Well look what SHE got away with,” they shriek. Here’s the thing about that. She was investigated. Three times. All by Trump administration officials. If you don’t like that she was never charged with anything, BLAME TRUMP. He was president and literally appointed everyone involved with it. Also, deleting emails off a private server, something that Clinton’s Republican predecessor had also done, is A LOT different from deliberately taking classified documents home with you to Florida.

As a quick aside: has anyone ever disappeared from public life faster than Bill Clinton after #MeToo? The dude is a ghost now. Good. He’s a creepy rapist. He can rot. And so can she since she was complicit in a lot of his behavior.

Another “defense” the MAGAs have come up with is that “well, OF COURSE, the FBI went there to PLANT evidence!” Trump himself said as much in his insane statement on the matter.

And like clockwork, this is the spin that Trump-friendly media is parroting. Forget that there’s zero evidence this happened or that everything going on is entirely legal and by the book. How quickly we got from “he’s innocent!” to “if he’s guilty it must be a setup!” LOL

Someone tell Jesse here that it isn’t law enforcement’s job to negotiate with criminals. HAHAHA. I mean, can you imagine how quickly his head would explode if there were videos of cops negotiating with drug dealers or carjackers? Or undocumented immigrants? Note the tone of his voice. This is something that a lot of right-wing nut jobs have mastered. If you say something insane in a totally reasonable and “hey, we’re just chatting” kind of tone then the people pointing out what you’ve said is insane look like the crazies. Kirk Cameron is a TONE MANIPULATION MASTER.

“Are you sick of people telling you that your archaic, backward thinking is hateful? Do you wish you had more videos to send your gay niece about why she just needs to find a good man? Have I got a YouTube channel for you!”

MAGAs have even gone so far as to support defunding the FBI. Again, the guy running the FBI was APPOINTED BY TRUMP. And like most good things created by Black folks (the defund the police movement), white people have taken it and turned it into Hall & Oates.

Oh and you know she’s serious about it because she’s selling merch! Hucksters will never miss a chance to wring a little more money out of their marks.

It’s not a bad strategy if the only thing your party is good at is crimes. Get rid of the cops who can investigate you and have at it. One of the scarier things developing from this totally legal and harmless (well, maybe not for the Tangerine Dream) search are the gun nuts getting riled up. If this is how they react to an evidentiary search, imagine what will happen when he finally goes to jail.

This is only the beginning of Trump’s chickens coming home to roost. He has numerous other investigations both at the federal and state level. I wouldn’t be shocked if he beats most of those raps. Rich white dudes usually do. But if one of them is able to convict him and send his ass to jail, that’ll be something.

The MAGA can kick and scream all they want. There is no manager to complain to when it comes to breaking federal law. There is a process and that process will play out. I mean, look at “Judge” Jeanine here frothing at the mouth over this.

Now, as dumb and drunk as she plays on TV, she actually knows the law. As the dude next to her points out, Trump’s lawyers have the search warrant. They know what’s going on. They could release it if they wanted. Hmmm. I wonder why they haven’t? It’s almost might it might be incriminating or something. Jeanine is relying on her audience of dupes to be ignorant and they are. They’re thinking “yeah, why don’t they tell us what they was looking for!” Trump could release the whole thing. But he won’t, you know, cause of crimes.

And when all else fails, threaten VENGEANCE!!!

This is the modern GOP. They have no solutions. They have no interest in helping anyone. All they want is power. Or more specifically, they want to stop anyone interested in doing those things from HAVING power.

Trump isn’t a flaw — he’s the Republican ideal.

Matt Barnsley