Seems Like a Crime!

Well, well, well look who was illegally possessing classified information at his beach house! You can tell it’s from Mar-a-Lago because everything is tacky AF. And if that ain’t enough proof then check out the FRAMED TIME magazine cover in the box next to it. LOL. You can bet that other Republicans noticed it.

Talk about missing the point.

I’m not sure how Trumpland is going to explain this one away. Keep in mind that TRUMP AND HIS LAWYERS are the ones who wanted this information released. They wanted America to see the evidence against him. Why? Who knows. It could be that Trump has completely lost his mind. It could be that his lead attorney is a TV host (not a joke) and might actually be in quite a bit of legal trouble herself since she’s the one who signed off on there being no documents in his Florida retirement home. 700 pages would beg to differ with you on that one.

Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane to see how we got here. First, the FBI conducted a lawful search of Mar-a-Lago and removed dozens of boxes of evidence. The seizure was predicated upon Trump having taken documents that did not belong to him (aka stealing) and were likely classified, some at the highest levels of sensitivity. This was a violation of the Espionage Act, you know, the anti-spying on America laws we have in place. Why he took them, we can speculate about forever. Lord knows he won’t tell the truth about it. Personally, I think he planned on selling them to other governments. We’ll see if any evidence comes out to support that.

Remember the litany of excuses for why the Tangerine Dream did nothing wrong? First, he was innocent and the FBI illegally raided him. Then it was that the FBI was planting evidence. Then it was that he took them by accident and if they asked him for them he would have given them back (they already did and his attorney lied to the DoJ about it). Then he said he was working from home (over a year after he was fired from the job? OK…). Then he blamed Obama for doing the same thing (he didn’t). Then he said that he had a “standing order” that all documents he removed were automatically declassified (this is not a thing, not how it is done, and also not true).

To recap: there are no documents but if there were, they were planted by the FBI but also all you had to do was ask nicely for them but again they were planted and also he declassified all the planted documents and Obama did it too and he did nothing wrong.

Trump has spent the morning going bananas. This is his usual tactic whenever the law closes in on him. He floods the airspace with as much bullshit as possible so nothing has any meaning anymore. Today he might be setting a record. Since he’s banned from all the major social media networks, he’s been forced to use his “Truth Social” thing (which is really just a bad Twitter ripoff). Which itself has been having some money issues and has been unable to pay its creditors. Honestly, I have ZERO sympathy for anyone who chooses to do business with a known con man and grifter and then gets stiffed. Did you really think he would pay you? LOL.

Since there aren’t really rules on Truth Social, the Orange One can post and “re-truth” anything he wants. So far he’s touched on how there’s a government conspiracy to bring him down (OK?), that the insurrection was done by ANTIFA and the FBI (double OK?), COVID vaccine conspiracies (sure), and that he is “lucky” he declassified all of the documents seized (uh huh).

Huh. Funny that for the months his lawyers were going back and forth with the DoJ they never mentioned that to them. This is actually really easy to prove one way or another. If they are all declassified, then anyone can get them via a FOIA request. Many journalists have already filed those requests. But we might not have to wait that long. At some point before this evening, Trump’s lawyers will respond. It’ll be interesting to see if they bring it up. Since, you know, it’s been his explanation for why they were there.

This all seems pretty straightforward to me. Trump took documents that did not belong to him. Many of them were classified. He refused to give them back. They may have been compromised during their illegal storage at Mar-a-Lago. Trump and his lawyers LIED to the DoJ about having returned all of the stolen documents. Put this all together and it seems very, very much LIKE A CRIME. I mean, if this isn’t a crime then I am not sure we have laws that matter.

We cannot wait for Trump to start Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo. He needs to be arrested, tried, and convicted. Then we can fit him into a jumpsuit to match his face, toss him in a hole, and forget he ever existed. That would honestly be the worst punishment for him. If we all just magically forgot him.

Bye Bye Bye.

Matt Barnsley