It's OK to Laugh

Or sing. Or dance. Or celebrate however you feel is appropriate. You do you. I don’t think there will EVER be a greater case made for schadenfreude than what we are faced with right now. And listen, some of you might find this grotesque, morbid, inappropriate, or downright un-American. To those I say:


In case you live in a hole, last evening President Trump tested POSITIVE for COVID-19. So did his wife. They were exposed to it by Hope Hicks, who may have also infected more than 100 staffers as well. And since Trump is the most selfish, narcissistic man on the planet, he STILL did a maskless fundraiser Thursday night, despite knowing that he was exposed and likely infected. COOL GUY YOU SUPPORT, MAGAs!

Normally, this would be a moment for somber reflection and our country would unite as one. But as I’ve pointed out numerous times, normality went out the window four years ago. This isn’t an elderly President who’s the showing symptoms of a deadly virus for which there is no cure. This is a gross, racist, sex offender (alleged) who has nothing but contempt and hatred for anyone who doesn’t go along with his white supremacist agenda. Do I really need to get into everything he’s done that’s awful?

No. This is like if Hitler choked on matza. It is the perfect comeuppance for this man and this administration. Why? Let’s go to the videotape!

  • On Monday this week, he was joking about testing positive!

  • What else? Oh, here he is at Tuesday’s debate mocking Biden for being safe and wearing masks:

  • Here he is at his Hate Rally in Duluth the other night BRAGGING about how they’re flaunting COVID regulations:

Look, I could post clips all day showing how reckless and foolish Trump and his administration were when it came to COVID. He knew in February how deadly it was, how contagious it was, and how much of a problem it was going to be. In March, if he had come out strongly in favor of mask-wearing and distancing and acted like a real President, we likely wouldn’t have had as many deaths. Instead, his ego and narcissism prevented that and now we’re looking at more than 200,000 dead, with that DOUBLING by the end of the year. It’s a tragedy that was entirely preventable.

The simple fact remains: this is a guy who cannot even protect himself and his family from the virus. He has access to the most advanced testing and protections and yet he still got sick. How do you think he is going to protect us when he cannot protect himself? He can’t. He never could.

And now hubris has come for the man himself. To be clear, I am not rooting for his death. Pence would be a FAR WORSE president because he actually knows when to shut up and not give up the game. I can only imagine the Christian theocracy he would inflict upon us. Not to mention the martyr factor. So no, unless it’s going to bring them all down and make Pelosi President, then I don’t want anyone to die.

My hope is that the virus knocks him on his ass for a few weeks. Maybe it’ll teach him a lesson. Maybe he’ll gain a little perspective. Maybe he’ll just have to shut up for a few weeks and that would be a nice relief for all. But in the meantime…

Kool and The Gang - Celebration 1980 Yahoo! This is your celebration! Yahoo! This is your celebration! Celebrate good times, come on, lets celebrate. Celebra...

PS: Coronavirus… welcome to the Resistance!

Matt Barnsley