Top Five Dogs

Some people are dog lovers. Some love cats. I love both. Here are the TOP FIVE DOGS:


These little guys are tougher than they look. They’re literal royalty. Also, the favorite of Blog Boys everywhere. Plus, look at that face!

Golden Retriever

What list would be complete without a Golden making an appearance? The lovable, goofs are the perfect family dog. (I count Labs as the same as Goldens so consider them here too. They’re basically the same.)

German Shepherd

The ultimate in home security. When you think of a kickass dog, these guys are #1 on the list. Sure, inbreeding has led to a number of health issues, but they are one of the smartest breeds going.

Bernese Mountain Dog

A personal favorite of mine. They’re huge. They’re gentle. They’re strong AF. The perfect beast for Minnesota winters. Loogit that face!



Yes, she’s annoying. Yes, she’s old and smells bad. And OK, she doesn’t really listen. Plus, she barks too much. But if she ever found out I didn’t put her on this list, she would probably eat me in my sleep. She’s a good girl.

These have been the TOP FIVE DOGS. Accept no substitutes or alternates.

Matt Barnsley