Computer Chips are from Aliens

Yeah, I said it. Computer processors and all the stuff inside TVs, phones, and whatever other junk you’ll be getting rid of in 5 years all come from aliens. It HAS to. How else does it make sense?

Now, I know you computer science nerds will say “Matt, you just don’t understand how it works” to which I say poppycock! I get the basic idea. Zeros and ones. It’s on or it’s off. Here’s the thing. You’re really gonna tell me that the language that takes this long JUST to spell my full name is efficient enough to make movies appear out of nowhere and throw my voice across an ocean? PUH-LEASE: 01001101 01100001 01110100 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110111 00100000 01010010 01101111 01100010 01100101 01110010 01110100 00100000 01000010 01100001 01110010 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100101 01111001

Think about it sheeple. We went from computers that took up literally several rooms in the 60s to suddenly having them in watches and spaceships within ten years. The iPhone is roughly a decade old and think of how little that’s changed. Here’s what the first one looked like:



And now have a gander at their latest model:


Obviously, there are some differences. The newer one is actually quite a bit BIGGER than the old one. Hmmm. Seems like we’re going in the opposite direction in that department. And yeah, there are a lot more cameras on the back. And button thingy is gone. But other than that, it’s basically the same. We aren’t talking about the massive revolutionary jumps like we ALLEGEDLY saw in the 60s. If the iPhone 12 Max were actually a chip I put into my brain then we could talk about change. But in more than ten years, it’s pretty much the same damn thing. Only bigger.

Now have a look at a similar number of years in computing:

That’s crazy!! And what happened in between these two photos? ROSWELL AKA the time that aliens crashed on the planet. What a coincidence that right after extraterrestrials happen to visit us we suddenly have mastered the integrated circuit and can transform sand into computer chips. Guess where Roswell is? In the dessert! Which is full of sand!

People who study computers and claim to know how they work are just parrots, repeating what they’ve been taught. The government needed to take advantage of this technology but couldn’t risk exposing that truth about aliens. So what did they do? They set up a complex series of instructions that disguise the true coding behind every application ever created. Short Code was its name. John Mauchly, its designer, was an attendee of Moore School, a University of Penn program that worked closely with the US Army. Between 1951 and 1967 dozens of code languages were “invented” and pretty soon all the original roots of everything were lost.

Since then, it’s just been one thing layered on top of another, like putting on a couple of sweaters when you’re cold. Or imagine a flashlight. It’s simple: a little bulb, a reflector plate, some batteries, and an on/off switch. No matter how many layers of rubber I put around the handle or lenses I put in front of the blub to increase its relative power, it will always be the original flashlight underneath. Computers are no different.

To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if the government was secretly releasing alien tech in drips and drabs, ensuring that the advancements went to the right people. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc. In 1980, despite having walkie talkies, TVs, and radios that could communicate across continents, a cellphone was unheard of. That’s crazy! All the tech is right there. We could broadcast from the Moon but no one thought of a cellphone? No way. The government waited to release the alien tech behind our most beloved gadgets until it was necessary for economic stimulation.

Do I have “evidence” to back any of this up? No. Of course, I don’t you moron. The government wouldn’t let that kind of thing out. There’s a reason Steve Jobs is dead and it ain’t from “cancer”, which itself is another thing altogether. Again I’m sure it’s a total coincidence that a hippy dude who took excellent care of himself and had no other health issues just magically got a very rare and deadly form of cancer. Yeah, sure.


Look, I’m not here to tell you what to think. I’m just pointing stuff out and trying to connect the dots. But consider this before you laugh me off: can you explain how a computer works? I can’t. Not even on a basic level. And that’s exactly how they want it to be.

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