Top Five Weirdo Animals Not all creatures are cute and cuddly. Some are just plain weird. Here are the TOP FIVE WEIRDO ANIMALS: Platypus A mammal that lays eggs. Has venomous spines on hind legs. Four-headed penis with spikes on it. Does not dream. Armadillo Comes with a built-in suit of armor. Terrible eyesight. Likes to dig. Over 100 teeth. Maned Wolf Long-legged macdaddy dog. Looks like a fox, called a wolf, is neither. Known chicken thieves. Vampire Bat Drinks blood. Lives in caves. Flies like a bird. DRINKS BLOOD! Humans Wears clothes. Destroys environment. Invents weapons that can wipe out own species. Strange sexual hang-ups. Plastic surgery. Religion. Blogs. These have been the TOP FIVE WEIRDO ANIMALS. Accept no substitutes or alternates. Matt BarnsleyNovember 20, 2020 Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 0 Likes