This Is Why They Want The Guns

Have you seen what’s been happening lately? There are paramilitary groups (white men who like to play big boy soldier man) showing up to protests under the guise of “protecting property” or “restoring order”. Funny, I thought that the cops were supposed to do that? Man, these guys can’t do anything right. It’s almost like they want shit to go down. Nah, that couldn’t be true. You’d have to be a pretty callous and empty person to root for that. Especially, if it helped you politically. As always, the worst is true about this administration.


Fun picture! This is what greets you on the homepage of the Patriot Prayer. Honestly, it’s not worth checking out the site and I’m not going to link to it. It’s run by a fella named Joey Gibson — and hey if you can’t trust a guy named Joey who can ya trust? Right beneath the picture of what can best be described as the Jesus Lion, there’s a place where you can BUY A SHIRT. Because what good is a religious death cult without a little money to go around? Beneath that are posts about upcoming events like the “American Flag Boat Cruise”. Finally, we get to the bit about Mr. Gibson and why he’s gone and done this. I’m sure it has nothing to do with money, heroic delusions, and definitely not a Messiah complex. I mean, it’s the lion that’s Jesus. Not our guy Joey.

Turns out, Joey has found the yahoo sweet spot, a combination of white supremacy disguised as patriotism and fanatical religious devotion. I’m sure that’s totally fine and nothing will ever happen because of this. Unrelated: you might have heard about Patriot Prayer recently because one of their members was killed at a protest in Portland. A bunch of “patriots” got together to have a little parade (man what is it with fascists and fucking parades? They love them!) through Portland so they could shoot peaceful protestors with paintballs and pepper spray them. They also had a number of violent confrontations.

That whole thread is worth checking out. It’s basically an hour-by-hour update on how violence happens when extremist agitators invade a community with the intent to inflame and provoke violence. And you can see that happening before they even left their staging area. Start here.

During the Republican National Convention, which was pretty much an illegal act, yahoo-flavors-of-the-month Mark and Patricia McCloskey were given a chance to speak. These are the maniacs that pointed guns at protestors and had their weapons taken away, cuz, you know, you can’t do that. Even if it’s a black person. Bummer, I know, but hey that’s progress for ya. Anyway, who could imagine that praising and amplifying the irrational fears of white folks about protestors would create a violent reaction? The implied winking consent from cops and Republicans to these armed militias is clear and obvious. Even if it wasn’t spoken explicitly, they knew they had their orders and what the mission was.

Joey Gibson is — shockingly — an advocate for freedom. Funny because in the SAME SENTENCE he describes his mission as a belief that “it is imperative for followers of Christ to take the church into the streets, city councils, capitol buildings, courthouses, or anywhere…” For a guy who loves America and what not I think he missed the day when Teacher taught us about the separation of God and country. But hey, it’s just the Bill of Rights. Everyone knows you can just ignore the ones you don’t like. Joey also “lives” by the motto “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God”. So yeah. Supernormal stuff going on with Joey. You can also book Joey to speak at your event. For a generous “contribution” of course. Again, the Trump death cult is all about the Benjamins. And Jesus Lion. ROAR.

We’re having a bit of fun with this but it really is a serious issue. That poor misguided man died the other day. And for what? To own the libs? To show fealty to Daddy Trump? “Look at me, daddy! Does this make you proud?” I’m not sure any politician is worth dying for, let alone a huckster con artist who will be going to prison the day he steps out of office (OK, not the day but soon after). All of this violent agitation took place in Portland just days after another pretend army man shot three people, killing two of them. His name is Kyle Rittenhouse and he is 17 years old.

He’s become something of a hero to the MAGA folks over the last week. Generally, people who kill in cold blood are shunned by society but not in Trump’s America. He killed the right kind of people, ANTIFA BLM PEDO ZIONIST ILLUMINATI ANARCHISTS are OK to murder without rebuke by the majority of the ruling party in this country. I don’t want to link to any posts but if you search for his name and “hero” there is plenty to peruse. Rittenhouse has fallen prey to the same white male delusion many of us do: he thinks he’s the good guy.

And why shouldn’t he? He was part of a Public Safety Cadet program. When he and the other armed vigilantes showed up to Kenosha, they were greeted by police. If only one cop had done their job and asked this questionably young-looking kid if he could legally own and open carry the insane instrument of death he had, none of this would have happened. But again, as we covered earlier, the cops aren’t interested in doing their jobs right now. Their feels are hurt.

The police weren’t just negligent in their initial dealings with the armed agitators masquerading as law enforcement, they collaborated and supported them. Here’s a video of them thanking Kyle and his buddies and giving them water. Even USA Today says this is true. The police say that they “appreciate” the armed militias. On another video, one militiaman says to Kyle that the police want to drive the protestors down towards the armed men so they can attack them. Kyle seems excited. Why? Because Kyle is a violent asshole. Here he is with his friends allegedly PUNCHING A GIRL IN THE HEAD (he’s the one in a black shirt and ((of course)) red white and blue shorts):

Kyle Rittenhouse american flag shoes

Not sure what led to him hitting a girl but no man worth anything should be doing that. Pretty much a sucker punch to boot. And yet, this is the child right-wing nut jobs want to praise? It should be an indicator of their maturity and intelligence levels when they think a girl-hitting kid who murdered two people should be lauded. And we’re going to be surprised when this happens again?

As long as this kind of provocative, violent agitation is tolerated and implicitly encouraged, the violence and bloodshed will continue. Kyle was supposedly part of a group called Kenosha Guard, the pretend paramilitary group that was actively trying to illegally collaborate their actions with police. They took it upon themselves to (in Kyle’s case) cross state lines with weapons to protect property they did not own nor have a contract to patrol. Just like I can’t walk around outside your house with a gun saying I’m “protecting” it, he can’t go to businesses he doesn’t own and do that either. And god help any owner who actually encouraged this behavior. Lawsuit city.

History is chock full of events like we’re witnessing in our country. Many a dictator has risen to power by the use of quasi-legal militia groups. Once you can’t tell the difference between the cops, the vigilantes, and the government, you’re in trouble. And I don’t see the violent rhetoric stopping anytime soon. In fact, I think it will get worse. The only saving grace is that the majority of liberals aren’t interested in bringing guns around with them. But they might now. Libs own guns too, ya know. This incrementally increasing violence could lead to even more tragedy. It’s a good thing we have a leader who’s trying to quell it and bring the nation together.

Donald Trump is set to visit Kenosha, Wisconsin on Tuesday, which has seen widespread unrest following the shooting of Jacob Blake by a police officer. Durin...

LOL. Look at that lazy mess of a turd. Good lord, I don’t know what’s grosser: the flop sweat or his disgusting scab of a face. Normally I wouldn’t make fun of a person’s appearance and body shame them but since Trump has no shame and doesn’t mind doing it himself, I think he’s fair game. This fat burp of lies couldn’t lead us out of a paper bag with a map. He’s the literal embodiment of white supremacy and really, there isn’t any fate that he and his klan of grifters could meet that would be sufficient penance for what they have done to our country. We’ve lost so much, both in respect, dignity, and admiration but also lives. Hundreds of thousands of people will die from COVID. They already have. And thousands more will join them. It could have been avoided.

Every time a mass shooting happens, white people with guns show up to make sure everyone knows that this “isn’t the time” to talk about gun control. They talk about their rights and how angry they will be if anyone tries to take them. And now you are seeing why. They live in a delusional fantasy where they are the good guys who protect America. In reality, they are violent, cowardly extremists with gun-fetishes who dream about being able to murder someone with justification. It’s no wonder the cops act as they do. Where do you think they come from? Why do you think they kill people? What do you think the guns are for?

The final failure of the police came after Kyle Rittenhouse shot three people. When bystanders attempted to subdue him as he fled the scene of the first murder, he opened fire once more, killing another and gravely wounding another. Not sure you can claim self-defense when you’re fleeing a crime scene where you’re also the perpetrator. But here we are. Despite Rittenhouse approaching police vehicles with his hands raised and his weapon clearly visible, the officers responding to reports of gunfire didn’t think they might want to ask a guy with a gun coming from the place of the shootings about it. Instead, they told him to get out. Why? Because they didn’t see him as a possible suspect! He was paling around with them all day. He was their ally. A white man with a gun fleeing a shooting isn’t a threat in their eyes. And yet Jacob Blake was shot in the back seven times BY THE SAME POLICE FORCE for maybe having a hypothetical knife. If you don’t see the privilege revealed here in this case then I don’t know what to do for you.

With each day that passes I become more and more convinced that America’s best days are behind us, which is really saying something because we used to have slaves. I envision a hellish future where the stupid and ignorant hold all the power — puppets to greedy corporate interests. There will be violence and sickness over the next few months, and perhaps a lot more depending on what happens in November. Things could be very bad within a year for all of us. But hey, that’s just me. I’m an optimist.

Matt Barnsley