Fellow ANTIFA! Radicals,

First, let me congratulate you on your recent success in getting Joe Biden nominated as the Democratic candidate. NO ONE could be a better choice for our radical, Marxist, communist agenda than a 50-year career politician who supports none of our movement’s ideals. From the early reports I am seeing out of the secret bunker we’ve been keeping him in, the brainwashing appears to be working. Keep up the good work.

Second, I want to let you know that we have now moved all of our sex trafficking locations from pizza places to Starbucks coffee shops. Once Q exposed us, we had to change up things quickly. As an additional benefit, we can use the already confusing logo and graphics as a way to communicate secretly. See the attached .pdf for more details on that. We are close to identifying Q. Once we have a positive ID, we will send the Dark Shadow Brigade in to take him out.

Third, we need to start putting together a shortlist of possible Deep State candidates to replace the ones Trump has removed. Each ANTIFA! Chapter should nominate prospects by October 25th EOD if you want to be represented. We will choose the final group as we normally do: whoever drinks the most baby blood in two minutes wins (top 10 finishers move on). Looking forward to seeing who steps up their game.

Fourth, our collaborators with Black Lives Matter have sent over a list of the churches we’ll need to burn down. They request that we do a better job than we did at St. John’s in DC. We didn’t even burn the church there. Just the parsonage and the basement at that. Remember: we want to burn the whole thing down. That way, the Boomers and Whitey know who’s calling the shots. You’ll see that list attached as a Word doc.

Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t at least mention Kamala Harris. Our long game is finally paying off with her. Stay tuned for some big ANTIFA! surprises with that one.

I know things are getting a little rough at the coordinated riots, I mean, “protests”. It’s important to remember that the more chaos there is, the better. The only way we can get free stuff like reparations and Obama-phones is through scaring Real Americans. Keep throwing stuff at cops, it’s really helpful to our cause. Keep killing religious patriots who are just minding their own business. That’s also really helpful.

I’m so proud of you all. You really put the ! in ANTIFA!.


ANTIFA! Secret Commander, Esq.

Matt Barnsley