The Convenience of Whiteness
The Convenience of Whiteness
How easy life is
To never be hunted
To get home safely
To know that your children
Will return to you each and every night
How simple it is
To say what he should have done
To say it was a mistake
To say that violence
Is never the answer
How could you know what it is
To live in fear
To have no recourse
To be unable to breathe
From a 400-year-old knee on your neck
Protest the police
Be met with gas and explosions
Protest the pols
Be met with barbed wire and fences
Protest the games
Be called traitors
They say
Violence is never the answer
They say
Vote instead
They say
It’s not that bad
They say
So many things of so little consequence
How convenient it is
To tell others their own experience
To deny the truth for decades
To be responsible for the silence
That eases nothing but their own conscience
The problem we face
Is not new
Is not an accident
Is not natural
But the deliberate outcome of a designed supremacy
When thirsty
They point to a well
That has no pump
That has no handle
And blame your thirst on you