Let My Brain Die

It has been suggested in various places on the internet that part of Mark Zuckerberg’s drive in creating the METAVERSE is that it could potentially serve as a place for eternal life. Before they pass, people could hypothetically upload a scan of their brain into the servers and get to live on within the METAVERSE. At first, this seems cool. CHEAT DEATH? SIGN ME UP.


That’s not really what it would be. It wouldn’t be ME living on in Zuck’s eternal paradise. I’m not even sure you could call whatever it would be consciousness. It’s not like my brain is going in there—just a copy of how my brain fires. In the computer simulation, I wouldn’t be making choices or experiencing anything. A computer program copy of my mind would. And you know what?

Screw that guy. He’s a thief! He gets to steal my wonderful personality AND gets to live forever while my body rots under the earth? Hell no. When I die, me will die with me. Or I will die when me dies. However it works out, there will be NO COPY of Matthew Robert Horatio Barnsley running around in Facebook! No siree.

Unless, of course, they can put my brain in a tank and somehow connect it to the computers so it really IS me running around in virtual reality. Then I would be down for that. Shit I’d do that right now if that were an option. What about you? Would you want to be copied and stuck in VR? Or should the dead lie with the dead?

Matt Barnsley