What I Miss?

Woooooo boy we’ve got A LOT to unpack over the next few posts. This ain’t the one though. This will be light-hearted. Eventually. But I do want to spend a few sentences going over some of the insane shit that’s gone down since my last post. I’ll keep it super brief.


Well, the bastards finally did it. After spending roughly 50 years doing everything to try and take away female autonomy, “conservatives” cheated and lied their way into enough SCOTUS justices to do it. This is bad for so, so many reasons. I’ll get into that down the road. For now, just know that anyone who can get pregnant has my sympathies. We’ve got a long road ahead but this ain’t over.


I think there was an average of about a mass shooting PER DAY since I last wrote about it. We’re up to about 350 for the year. That seems bad! Well, it’s a good thing the courts just made it easier to carry weapons in public. Now at least there will be more good guys with guns. What’s that? There were more than 400 good guys with guns in Uvalde who stood around and let children die? Never mind then…

Elon Musk

You know a guy is a total creep when Twitter, the world’s toilet, sues him. Also, his father (a spry 76 years old) knocked up his 35-year-old STEPDAUGHTER that he raised since she was 4. Yikes! Seems like Elon is from good stock. Hey, if you can’t keep it in your pants, keep it in the family.


There honestly might be too much news about America’s favorite criminal to even do a quick summary here. Let’s try anyway. It seems like he’s SUUUUUUPER guilty of treason and trying to overthrow the American democratic system. Looks like he’s going to be in trouble in Georgia at some point too. His ex-wife Ivana died falling down the stairs (which, since she’s 50% responsible for the awfulness of Ivanka, Junior, and Eric, I’m not sad about). I guess we know why Donnie is afraid of stairs now!

That video never gets old. Oh, man. What a giant, wet, pissbaby he is. Last but not least, he’s also probably going to face charges of witness tampering. What an incredible piece of shit he is.


Is this still a thing? I see lots of “We Stand with Ukraine” signs in my neighborhood so I guess it is. I honestly thought we’d have either knocked off Putin by now or he’d have attacked us and brought about World War 3. Looks like the US is going to be sending some more firepower their way. Good. Blast them Reds back to Hell!

Personal News

Recently, I moved. The new place is great. But, there have been a lot of things that need work. Pretty much something in every room. It’s consumed quite a bit of time and attention. I love it here and the only thing I miss about the old place is our neighbor. Things seem to be turning a corner though and I actually got to play some FIFA22 the other day so that’s good.

I’ve had some issues with my concussions lately as well. If you don’t recall, about a year ago I took a nasty fall and lost a tooth. I also bashed in my brain pretty well. For whatever reason, at the new house, I’ve had a hard time dodging corners and overhangs and given myself a pretty good knock a few times. Headaches, nausea, confusion. The usual stuff. So it’s been a bit hard to write. I also quit smoking (yaaaa!)

I think that’s about it. Let’s dive into what this post is really about….

MIX CDs!!!

There was nothing I loved more back in the day than making a mix CD. You could tell a girl you liked them. You could set the tone for an evening of partying. You could make a long road trip so much better. It really was an art. But, like so many things, mix CDs have pretty much gone the way of the dodo. It’s a shame.

During the course of the move I came upon an old CD case I used to keep in my car. There are a number of gems in that bad boy. But one of the things I was MOST excited about was that it held a few old mixes I’d made. Now, these aren’t from college or even the years immediately after. I’d love to listen to those. No, sadly, this one was more recent.

You can tell I made it because I SIGNED IT???? Why would I do that?

Another quirk I used to do was to number them. This one, as you can see, is #55. I have no idea why I did that either. Listen, the Millenium was a weird time. We all did stupid stuff. Signing and numbering mix CDs was apparently one of my foibles. Here are some highlights:

  • Three (yes, THREE??) Nirvana songs within the first 9 tracks

  • J-Lo “Jenny from the Block”

  • A Dave Matthew Storytellers track


  • A song I know nothing about

  • Many other fantastic gems…

Mix CDs truly are the gift that keeps on giving. If you haven’t made one in a while, give it a go! You probably still OWN some of the music on your computer. And if you’ve never made one before, well… where do I begin.

See, we used to have to PAY for music. It usually cost us $.99 per song or $9.99 an album, with some exceptions. Unless you knew about some illegal file-sharing sites. Then you could download everything you wanted GRATIS. You’d put those files in a playlist and then burn them onto a CD. But there were limitations! The playlist could only be about 70 minutes long. And sometimes the sound quality would get messed up and you’d end up with a garbled mess. Oh, you’d also have to buy blank CDs which you could get at Walmart or Circuit City. Then you could use permanent markers to decorate them, write on them, or number and initial them, LIKE A LUNATIC.

It was a lot of fun. In fact, I think I might go try to make one right now. If I can find a blank CD and a burner…

That’s it for now! I’ll be back again this week getting into some of the heavy stuff.

Matt Barnsley