Resisting the Negative

It’s been hard to not be a rage-filled hate monster lately. There are so many infuriating things happening. All of the hope and promise of the Millenium has been stomped out by some of the most despicable people in the world. America, today, is becoming unrecognizable to me. Some of it has always been here but my privilege and place within supremacy shielded me from it. Some of it is new, or rather a remixed version of something that came before.

I want to wish the worst upon people. For example, if you supported taking away women’s autonomy over their bodies then I hoped you’d have to suffer like we are already seeing women and girls suffer. I wanted you to know what it was like to have to carry and raise your rapist’s child. To have to fight him for custody and lose. Or to have potentially life-saving medical care refused because doctors were worried they might end up in jail. But that won’t solve anything. More women suffering won’t fix the problem. If a woman’s pain healed the world, we’d live in a utopia.

If you’re a gun nut (by my definition that’s anyone who still thinks private gun ownership is a good idea) then I hope someone you love gets killed in a mass shooting or your accidentally shoot your wife thinking she’s an intruder. But more gun violence isn’t the answer. If bullets made us safer then the US would be the safest place on earth. And we all know that’s not the case.

I want people to feel the repercussions of their actions. I want them to know what it feels like to have the wheel of power roll over you and be powerless to stop it. I am incredibly frustrated with Democrats. The GOP might be a bunch of hate-filled terrorists but at least they do stuff. What’s the last big liberal accomplishment? The ACA? Let’s not forget that it’s based on Mitt Romney’s healthcare plan. A religious conservative! The ACA, while it granted some people more protections and insured millions more, set back universal healthcare decades in America, which is the actual progressive plan. Only the Democrats could celebrate accomplishing the other party’s watered-down crap.

Will someone please wake Joe Biden up? I mean, Jesus Christ man. Look at this shit:

Time to send grandpa off to bed. Liberals need to stop defending this crap. We’re facing the end of democracy, the repealing of women’s rights, and attacks on the LGBTQ community. We need someone young who is brimming with hellfire and vigor. We need a champion that’s full of piss and vinegar. Not the oldest president ever. Who is Joe Biden anyway? The guy we all held our breath to vote for so the worst human being in America didn’t get elected?

I’m no fan of Kamala Harris. I think she’s a phony, like most politicians. I think she’s more of the same crappy Democrat we’ve had for my entire life. They say a lot but do little. When she was the top cop in California she put thousands of people in jail for weed. And yet…

Good lord that clip of Hilary Clinton. I shudder. OK, so maybe she got a little confused about whose question she was answering. Still feels like she was pandering. HAHAHA WEED IS COOL but also off to jail with you. She wouldn’t be the person we need but she’d be better than Sleepy Joe. Plus it would be cool to see the plot of VEEP play out in real life. Let’s go Brandon!

In all seriousness, we could have had Bernie Sanders. He might be too old in 2024 (editor’s note: looked it up and yep 83 is definitely too old). That’s a shame. He’s the person we need. AOC is still too young and green but she’ll be a great choice in 2028 (if women are still allowed to hold office). I don’t know who the best choice is to be our liberal warrior. Gavin Newsome has been getting some heat lately. But he seems like too much of a Batman Villain for my liking. Plus, he was married to this for half a decade, so his judgment is questionable at best.

Elizabeth Warren would be an interesting choice but she’s also a bit long in the tooth. She’ll be in her mid-late 70s by then. Can we have someone who doesn’t remember sock hops? What about Amy Klobuchar from my state of Minnesota? She seems… OK. Not really a progressive warrior. More of an angry soccer mom who’s going to tap her foot while she waits for an intern to bring her a salad. And god forbid they don’t bring her a fork to eat it with. We can do better. Pete Buttigieg? He’s quite the character. Gay. Oxford/Harvard grad. Rhodes Scholar. Fought in Afghanistan. He checks a lot of boxes. But I’m not sure he’s progressive enough. I mean, he went after Uncle Bernie.

Yes, Pete. More of the same Democratic Party. Ugh.

It would be easier to resist the negative if we had a leader I believed in. Someone who was tough and vocal and was willing to push back with everything in their power to get what they want. Right now, all I can see is a vacuum. Biden could be doing so much more. Push the limits of the office. Shit, do you really think Trump worried about decorum or tradition when he was flushing documents down a toilet and celebrating/planning a coup? You don’t have to go full-MAGA but Jesus man, do SOMETHING. America is slipping away.

And our hope is going with it.

Matt Barnsley