Mother Truckers

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past few weeks (and God bless you if you have) you’ve probably heard something about Canadian truckers causing issues in the frozen land to the north of us.

Got that? The truckers are upset that Canada, in an effort to protect its citizens, requires them to be masked and vaccinated when entering their country. Seems reasonable to me! Many countries, including our own, require people to have vaccinations before entering. A friend of mine who emigrated here from a foreign country had to get a bunch of shots before he could become a citizen. Kids need to get vaccines to go to school. Adults need to get vaccines to join the military, go to college, and work. So what is this really about?

Oh. Yeah. That makes more sense. But wait. If there are SO MANY truckers here protesting then it must be a big deal, right? It can’t JUST be some shadowy conspiracy funded by people who gleefully disrupt democracy in order to profit from it, right? There must be thousands upon thousands of truckers who agree that getting vaccinated is a violation of their freedom.

Huh. Interesting. So you’re telling me the OVERWHELMING majority of “truckers” actually got vaccinated and this is really just a small fringe group of agitators who are using the privilege of their status to cause major disruptions in order to further the agenda of wealthy beneficiaries and disrupt democracy. Gotcha. Where have I seen this before?

That’s right. It happened here a year ago! Because we’re Americans ours was of course a lot more violent than our gentle Canadian neighbors. It should come as no surprise that Fox News and other right-wing media propaganda outlets have latched onto this cause.

A few American senators and representatives have even latched onto the cause.

Man, I must have missed the day in class where they taught us about the peaceful slave rebellions.

The endgame for Republicans is plain and obvious. They want these types of protests (truckers/non-truckers clogging up bridges and highways) in order to sow more discontent and chaos. As Littlefinger once said:

By importing and encouraging these types of “working class” protests into America, Republicans can add yet another manufactured grievance to sling at Biden and Democrats. From that chaos, they can offer themselves as alternatives. Set aside the fact that THEY are the ones who caused the fire in the first place and they can delude their followers into believing they are the best ones to put it out.

Crazy? Yep! But that’s been the MAGA vibe all along: a spoiled rich kid who’s never worked a day in his life is suddenly a hero to poor and working-class whites; a weak, overweight elderly man being seen as some kind of combination of Rambo and the Terminator; defenders of freedom storming their government to overturn a legal, democratic election; supporting truckers rights to clog up traffic so they don’t have to get a life-saving and completely safe vaccine while criticizing and freaking out about football players kneeling. I could go on.

This isn’t even a largely “Canadian” protest, as has been portrayed. HALF the people funding it are from the US.

Why does this matter? How do you think right-wingers would feel if Mexicans were funding BLM protests? They get mad when Americans support the movement. Let alone if foreigners were interfering with American businesses and our economy. Why there would be war! But since it suits their particular viewpoint, right-wingers are totally cool with it. Heck, they hope it comes here! On Sunday, the ORANGE ONE was barely able to disguise his desire for similar protests to come to America.

Our country is a tinderbox, says the man who piled all the wood.

When you lack any sort of a plan (the GOP has failed to release a party platform since 2015!), don’t have any popular ideas (conservative ideology is WILDLY unpopular to the majority of Americans), and lack power to do anything, the only play you have left is to burn the system down. That’s what Republicans have been doing since Obama got into office.

They know they can’t win fair elections so they change the rules and gerrymander. They know their ideas are bad so all they do is criticize the people with ideas. They know they are a party of racists so they promote their token minorities (ever notice how half the people behind Trump at rallies are Blacks for Trump people? You really think there are that many Black folks there…) and cry about reverse racism every chance they get. Their leader is a corrupt conman criminal so naturally, he claims that anyone who opposes them is the same.

When people were protesting the murder of George Floyd (and, sadly, many others) how did these freedom-protest loving conservatives respond? Did they sing the song of civil disobedience? LOL, do I even need to post the clips?

And when BLM and other groups started shutting down freeways and roads, how did the conservatives respond? By making it easier to RUN DOWN THE PROTESTORS! At least the BLM marchers had the guts to use their bodies to shut down traffic. The cowards in the trucks are nice and safe, risking almost nothing.

Heck, all it takes is a simple search on YouTube to find clip after clip of people running over BLM protestors. See for yourself.

Listen, I fully support anyone’s right to protest anything. It’s right there in the 1st Amendment. “…the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This is a good thing! My issue comes when the protests are disingenuous. Stirring shit up abroad only to bring that murky water back home to sow chaos isn’t a legitimate means of redress. It’s using people who have fallen for a conman to further your profit and power stake. That’s bad.

How will all this end? I think we know. The cops will use kid gloves on the truckers to remove them. Some American yahoos will emulate this and clog up traffic in some cities, like DC or Chicago, or NYC. And again, the cops will let them do it for a while before gently clearing them out. Remember how the cops cleared BLM protestors? I do.

They used violence. They did it gleefully. They were having so much fun beating up their fellow citizens they practically made a game of it. Remember how they responded to the January 6th terrorists? They HELD THE FUCKING DOORS FOR THEM. We know how this is all going to play out and it’ll be yet another sad day in America’s history where a violent, delusional, minority mob assumes power that was never given to them and they had no right to take. This is the history of America.

This is the history of us.

Matt Barnsley